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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2011 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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today's top stories in a review of the week spain's highest unemployment rate in the european union sparked a nationwide protest i mean here's the country could fall in the steps of greece ireland and portugal. the future of e.u. bailouts could be put in jeopardy with dominique styles no longer the driving real of the international monetary fund. thousands of angry georgians around the streets of d.c. demanding freedom and president saakashvili is resignation but are greeted by tear gas and rubber bullets instead. and russian president dmitry medvedev supplants for a second term in office remains up in the air as he sidesteps the issue during
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a two hour documentary a session. with r.t. live from moscow thanks for joining us antigovernment protesters are massing in spanish cities despite the official ban on political demonstrations ahead of elections well the country is casting ballots in regional polls with the ruling socialist party set to suffer major losses over thirty thousand people have occupied madrid several square to protest the government's economic policies and skyrocketing unemployment but people have also come out onto the streets in other cities including barcelona out but then sit and silvio as the country struggles to overcome the crippling recession and as archie sauer furth reports if the situation doesn't change soon could be next in life or
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a rescue package. first greece then ireland and now portugal as the u.s.a.'s bailout growing number there are now serious concerns that spain could be the next to topple the protesters throughout europe a clamoring to the pace even more taxpayers' money being plowed into rescuing others. that if i had time that i. think that. that was a good thing i don't think my bank said that it. was forty three percent of under twenty five thousand why i didn't like the labor market and a little side was that i think there's going to be. this is only. the moment we will win this thing and we will be millions in the year is same problems weren't enough there is now talk of greece defaulting on its loans even
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potentially accepting the year together and portugal's recent bailout is reported to be worth around seventy eight billion euro but spain is the euro zone's fulfill largest economy the different challenge altogether if it fails. if the situation happens that the markets would not manage it buying out of spain's debt is the most catastrophic scenario for the e.u. what will the e.u. do i think and many experts share my opinion that the e.u. will do the utmost to avoid the scenario would any cost because spain is too big to fail. then you got. the big question now is just how much longer can the usa continue bankrolling those going bust as aspiring to quizes continues to escalate here is a ministers are struggling to maintain a united front nor. the financial survival for such countries
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a spain would seriously injured. it could lead to the use of to currency zones in europe a strong group of countries using the euro and the rest not using it. continue to play down speculation be the next time. out the problems continue. i mean portugal possibly it is becoming the next thing country that remains very real and right now. the reality. is so far apart. that. euro zone bail outs could be compromised by the arrest of the international monetary fund's chief on charges of sexual assault from an external scan has since resigned and is in new york awaiting trial french finance minister christine lagarde has emerged as the front runner for the i.m.f. top top priorities daniel bushell reports without south sky europe's financial
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revival now hangs in the balance. no straus cold no euro that's what because the whispering of the police charged now with force with the attempted rape of a hotel maid the very differently the possibility that some countries could decide to leave the euro pushed out of the euro and there we've got to understand that. belief that the euro could and should be saved in the face of north steel resistance from richest states strong scorned led this week's bailout of crippled portugal germany and france insist on oil and raises its lower corporation tax d s k as he's known was the man all during it's what is saving the irish economy these allegations are going to be. as an institution and is definitely going to be missed. strobes call and even
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persuaded greece's leaders to stick with strict spending cuts disappointing roi it's on the streets here. to some of you had stated governments made it made a difference he has good contacts for example to the greek prime minister on thursday greece asked for more loans on better terms but now heavyweights europhile d s k has gone few back another bailout. should leave the euro zone that has put under strain the euro joiner is one of the imus top bikers contributing tens of billions of euros the reward it wants is an asian chief is not likely to be friendly with strauss cause he had been very personally very important in getting the i.m.f. involved and assisting in designing the bailout packages but also coaxing and encouraging politicians to do the reforms necessary now you may not get the
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equivalent behind a person with the same kind of convictions coming from the emerging markets when one of the. biggest investment bank spell three years ago it triggered a global recession we're still reeling from today but it's still the driving the euro to extinction will only make matters worse the consequences probably would be higher and national that's worse for instance as a bankruptcy of lehman in two thousand and eight with e.u. economies that death's door this city warns that toppling the world's leading banker comes at the worst possible time this is not just the end of a career dominique strauss kahn was instrumental in rescuing the eurozone most troubled states is a risk does seem to threaten the end of the euro itself daniel schorr r.t. paris. and so had for you in the program revolution on the breast i was in the arts regime maybe gonna but all rejections really rejoicing in life post revolution.
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and the written story that shook the nation find out more about the case of cannibalism in the russian capital later in our program. now in georgia riot police have used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse anti-government protests the opposition have rallied for a second day in the capital tbilisi demanding president saakashvili steps down opposition leaders say hundreds of people have so far been arrested one of georgia's opposition parties called the twenty fifth of may one day of rage designed to force the government to resign last saturday thousands marched in georgian cities saying they've been robbed of their freedoms and that some of these persons in power puts the whole region at risk for according to opposition groups thirteen people were injured and several detained as police raided one of their offices in the middle of the night opposition leader which is nuts as says the quote down as it titled the people to act in self defense. government is
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like. free meals sacred value demonstration which had been sanctioned by the government itself so we're. not doing any scene illegal so it was absolutely peaceful money for station it was she was a lens they begin evaluation they use illegal wars against a demonstrates so we have a right to protect ourselves we go right to protect all of their use we have a right to protect our members and we get rights to leave inaudible democratic country. a series of explosions have hit the iraqi capital of baghdad leaving at least sixteen people dead it comes as the british really. harry operation has ended after more than eighty years in the country with the last group of royal navy training staff now having pulled out the u.k. during the us invasion of iraq in two thousand and three under the pretext of
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destroying saddam hussein's weapons of mass destruction but when w m d's were never found but one fell out of favor with the british public and even more so with the death of one hundred seventy nine soldiers during the conflict well most of the u.k.'s military forces withdrew two years ago many experts say they feel to make iraq a safer place with terror attacks still happening there on of regular basis british antiwar activists john research the u.k. made a great mistake when it went into iraq. it's one of the worst political crimes that you can commit to take your country to war on the basis of lies to send one hundred seventy nine people to that. is a gross crime which should be treated in the same way that we would treat any other state or any other group of government officials who lost the lives of their own citizens when there was no truth in the story that we were told about why they
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should go to war in the first place it still takes tens of thousands of u.s. troops to hold a puppet government in place worse still as the arab spring has unfolded and how its impact on iraq sort of been demonstrations for what we're seeing for a change of direction for the corruption in iraq itself and this government the government which the u.s. occupation keeps in place has been shooting down its own people so i don't see quite progress that the british and american leaders are claiming is taking place. i was drawn reese antiwar activist there now will he stay or will he go that's what many have been trying to ask dimitri medvedev as the it's one in twelve presidential campaign in russia draws closer and the president's latest q. and a session was a perfect opportunity to throw the question into the ring but he threw it straight back out again artie's got there you know as a lot of us has a deep sense. one hundred thirty seven minutes eight hundred journalists seventy
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two questions and one man to answer and. question president meet him and he did have his first major press conference on wednesday getting many a chance to voice their questions but while some were serious what would you say is there a chance to give to each of our actions well deserved accommodations and sound more light hearted. i know all of that your wife has to parking lots on i've no right to park my own car so maybe i could borrow one of these that it has washing machine like. it was the question of a possible second turn that everyone including the president expected the most extreme year and he goes with the decision over the presidential race is not made in this kind of format it should be made when the situation is right this will have a greater political impact and i will follow this principle serve i want to make a statement i will make it a bit iffy for the mystery of whether current president it is or for former
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president putin will run for office in twenty twelve has become moscow's most evaded topic according to me a minute of the to mention a lot of views but also have their differences letter question yes my name my relationship with my colleague and political partner putin is not just something that people call a tandem actually we have been working together for over twenty years and we know each other well we think alike and our views on key issues in our country's development are very close but this doesn't mean we always think the same way we have different views on modernization and i think this process could be much faster because it was getting sidestepped the most intriguing topic when it if still took time to focus on major domestic and international issues and archie's question about syria conduct him to me a very strong statement he said as they pursued it yes i will not support reza. on syria frankly speaking they were disregarded by the actions that some states took
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even though initially russia supported the first resolution and didn't veto the second what happened afterwards demonstrated that these kinds of resolutions can be manipulated this is deplorable because it undermines the all thirty of the u.n. but it shows according to some a growing unease with decisions made concerning the middle east this commitment have appeared somewhat to regret russia's support of the resolution on libya was quite strong in saying that. the actions are currently going beyond what he thought he was voting for. so i think internationally people take note of that because it will signify russia's increasing uneasiness think about what's going on in libya and more broadly in the middle east but i didn't detect a sense from mr inventive that the security council wasn't the proper forum in which these things should be discussed but a lot of regional journalists present many questions focused on domestic matters
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but one subject of great interest in egypt both in russia and abroad is the imprisonment of former oil tycoon mikhail khodorkovsky he heard of course he is released who he did danger to society because that was a short question and he owns it will be equally sure that no absolutely not the president's use of or i'm likely to influence her back of a sentence i don't think it means he is going to be released and after all it's not the president who put him in jail and i don't think it will be politically easy for me to read off to. the role of their course although he has such a possibility according to war but you know these sort of things happened very rarely in any country in korean version so i think basically what they did if wanted to say is that he doesn't dispute the decisions of the court but he doesn't consider this person a danger. is the press conference going to close reporters stupid its success after
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nearly two and a half hours with a little bit of break the press farewell and headed back to the kremlin but the question that remains unanswered is will he stay there after twenty twelve passengers are artsy moscow. the arche caught up with dmitri medvedev press secretary straight out for the conference but i'll get there mccaw explained why the president is taking his time to answer the question on everyone's lips or this interview is on air in just over an hour. now egypt's fragile interim leadership seen tested bicep tarion violence keeping the country on the edge since the popular uprising toppled hosni mubarak's regime christians have been targeted in several attacks by muslim radicals with churches torched and dozens killed and as artie's maria financial reports many egyptians are disillusioned with the change the revolution has brought so far. president mubarak but there is
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little satisfaction indicate a free egypt. previously unified on tahir square through a common enemy and barak's resignation so egypt and muslims and christians turn on each other. that we want justice he wants equal rights. in institutions in business and beliefs in oregon in politics. for centuries the coptic christian minority has felt discriminated in the country dominated by eighteen million muslims the revolutionary euphoria has brought a desire for change and. people have just had freedom and the like it now we are kind of fed up with the situation. tensions in the past month have left dozens killed schools injured and several churches burned his muslim woman and her entire family had been welcome in liberation and to her twenty four year old son. was killed in the street by
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a greek thrown during sectarian clashes in baghdad and northern flashpoint as years of simmering religious tension boil over. we know mubarak was a dictator maybe he was corrupt with the police to have been able to sleep and our children were alive we never saw the before we couldn't have even imagine something like this happening yes from this point of view i mean the old regime i mean the others glorified it jean you're in revolution in london the muslim brotherhood bent under mubarak today it's the country's only well organized political group with the president gone they moved from jail cells to this luxury building in central cairo the revolution given them a long awaited voice of. radicals are triggering the tensions they saw how the revolution united people and they want to ruin that they don't want to see egypt strong and independent but i'm sure it will disappear after the parliamentary
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elections congress. in batteries cairo's poorest districts is home to millions of people surviving on just a couple of doors it's a following the fear of revolution egypt's immune system has been weakened dramatically economy is in critical condition the army is ruling the country when this happens the symptoms strike the most vulnerable first and the question now is just how far the damage might spread and whether egypt can ever recover. rich notion of. cairo. looking at what else is ahead for you this hour a bit touched us try. to work a car that knows that if you have a start. or a job or buy you go to automotive pay straight. now a story of dismemberment and cannibalism horrify the russian capital this week for two weeks police have been finding human body parts in
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a moscow area before yesterday discovered ahead artie's peter all of her husband fall with a gruesome case. dismembered body parts discovered around moscow the man accused of the chilling murder that sends shivers through the russian capital manages a smile for the cameras as he's led away. well. i was cleaning the rubbish bin and the container was full so i tried to press it down. there was then i saw a box covered in plastic bags i tried to move it and saw some hands sticking out but now police are confident that they have their man. in fact no charges have been the serviette against him we have filed an application to the court to have him arrested for ten days he's now suspected not accuse mind of murdering a man and later dismembering the body the suspect is quite calm and composed he describes what he did in great detail not showing a hint of repentance or
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a great he says that the victim totally deserved that nicholai should been is charged with killing. a homeless man down on his luck invited the shut ins home the sheriff. and most gruesome discovery the suspects claimed to have cooked and eaten parts of his victim the manager of the apartment block was present at the arrest but didn't want to be identified. i came to the door asked him to open it but he wouldn't so we kicked it in and first he claimed he hadn't done anything then police found a liver in his refrigerator tests showed it was human after that he started telling the truth about what happened he couldn't remember half of it because he was drunk when he did it the victim he remembered was from rostov and had recently got out of jail and didn't have a home to go to invited the man to his apartment he would invite anyone who offered to buy him alcohol showed that in was already notorious in this part of western moscow residence knew of his bounce of drunken and the social behavior as well as
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tales of torture and dr death but his neighbors still can't believe something like this happened on their doorstep he was a little bit we just can't believe that this person has lived next to us for so many years and all of a sudden he does this he's a sick person he has kids of panic and then it turns out he's killed and he is. someone will shudder and told the arresting officers how he killed the god of eight part of his body and then scattered his this embodied remains around the city some thrown into rubbish bins some cast into the river and others left out in plain sight like here in this park where you got those legs were found a registered schizophrenia showed that in had been treated for his mental illness as well as spending time in prison his mother who lives in the same apartment building told me how her son had come to her saying he had killed a man after hearing that a man's hand had been discovered nearby but she didn't believe it then you've used
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on the you i don't believe that he did it i don't believe that he killed anyone i don't believe that he could cut someone up i don't believe that he could eat this i don't believe any of that has always been different when he was school he set himself against the whole class and all the teachers and the teachers gave him a mark he thought was unfair next time he just wouldn't ride the tester told mental health professionals believe the severity of his illness coupled with his alcoholism mentee should have been undergoing extensive monitoring and treatment at the time he claims to have killed and eaten his victim misstepped when you can't close clearly experimentally to see able people but nobody listens to the and you know practicing doctors and in consequence we have an increased number of patients with mental disabilities and an increased number of crimes committed by mentally disabled people take this cannibal it's a vivid illustration of what i am talking about shackled to police officers and appearing to cooperate with the authorities charged being looked calm as he was led
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back to his flat he'll remain in custody until psychological tests determine whether he can stand trial peter all of a party moscow. well check out more of the stories we're covering on the air at our call regular updates and eye catching videos are always online for you and here's some of what you can enjoy right now the u.s. state department is on the hunt for a former new york resident who went around the car dealerships posing as a russian diplomats to get the best deals on luxury vehicles plus. they are not in the. same. party talks a danish director lars von trier who became persona non grata after shocking audiences at the cannes film festival with this comments on hitler capture the whole interview r t v dot com. and some more international stories for
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you this hour iceland has imposed a local flight ban and closed its main airport after the country's most active volcano erupted soon covered nearby villages and farms and even reached the capital however experts say it's unlikely to cause widespread destruction to air traffic like last year when the eruption of another volcano led to the closure of a large section of european air space. in malaysia search teams have rescued nine children after a landslide it's an orphanage sixteen people were killed when the building in near the capital kuala lumpur was partly birdied all but one of the victims were children aged from seven to eighteen years and police asked people to leave the area and we had concerns of further allowed starts. now with our modern age you are used to being in the driver's seat and car is no longer a luxury it's something almost everyone can afford but it's a vintage automobile is much more than transport it's a way of life our. reports. come up it's not like i'm sure it's
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something straight out i don't want to go a company. people come together at least in a face plant couple the nuclear power classic weekend rally ball this has become an annual about how can i pad their systems all the watchmaking and you're a company from five cars from us cadillacs and four that still study it made us together they have to say things in this rally some of the participants of the rally are true being to each car sans collectors like he did tell eager tell me more about your beauty what is it what year is it it's a chevy camaro ninety sixty three ninety six engine almost four hundred horsepower upgraded to almost five hundred. well it's one of the new cars in moscow since moscow is not really
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a muscle car city not like you say just suppose. how did you get it what's the story the purchase this story goes through the early two thousand the car was imported. from then we upgraded the court with the ration and this is kind of the car most of us are not really used to see so once you get on the streets you get hundreds and hundreds of people actually looking at taking pictures so if you want to be a superstar this is the car you need to get from moscow. and maybe. thank you. these cars are beautiful pieces of cars have a history back trying that is actually why challenge but make quick money rivals and growth is not makes this rally so i take a little interest in a manual gearboxes actually prove quite a challenge for those used to automatics both course this rally is not about who comes first hogan second it's all about who has the rarest each car the most
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expansive cheering and who's looks that actually can pass it with goes off his car the whole day will be enjoying the lead up shiny view to try leaks running through the city center on these beautiful sunny weekends. well shortly we explore where billions of international dollars invested into rebuilding afghanistan are actually go away and that's after view of the week's meaningless and just a few months. from
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. some. of your thoughts on. this street studentships sequence of times from feel this.


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